Economy - Art Langlie

Candidate economy link

  • Create partnerships to employ the unemployed and chronically underemployed.
    • Will partner with non-profits who will be responsible for beautifying Seattle.
    • Will provide the equipment and products necessary to complete this work.
    • Will identify areas of concern, and residents will have access to a tip-line and a “Find it, Fix it” app to identify areas in need of service.
    • This entry-level Seattle Restoration job will be paid a living wage and provide the dignity of a much-needed job that has an immediate impact while instilling good habits.
  • Provide the resources people need to obtain a living-wage job at the end of the program
    • Will work with the business community to find off-hours transit solutions to enable these teams to be transported to and from work so that barriers to occupational success are lowered.
    • Participants will be given access to paid training through partnerships with trade unions, non-profits, and businesses, as well as resume services and interview prep.
  • Advance people through a job bank and relationships with private employers