Housing - Jessyn Farrell

Candidate housing link

  • Will work with communities to identify a vision around transit stations and centers that includes specific strategies connected to funding to minimize displacement of low-income and historically marginalized communities.
  • Will take inventory of available land and set ownership goals for historically marginalized communities and specific programs to foster homeownership (such as community land trusts, equitable co-ops and affordability financing mechanisms).
  • Will include strategies to build a robust mix of affordable and market rate housing within walking distance of public transportation and a variety of housing types ranging from mixed-use buildings with apartments and condominiums to townhouses, Accessory Dwelling Units, and options for family friendly units.
  • Will coordinate public and private financing and access Federal, State and local dollars to fund to implement community vision and transit station area plans.
  • Will work with private and public sector partners to offer financing and subsidies for affordable housing development and access to infrastructure funds to assist with infrastructure costs.
  • Will also develop a local program that offers homeowners a combination of financing, design, permitting, or construction support to build accessory dwelling units, conditioned on a requirement to provide the unit for affordable home ownership.
  • Update Seattle’s Building Code to follow international standards for reducing total life cycle carbon emissions for new developments. These standards include not just energy efficient commercial buildings, but low–carbon materials and construction.
  • Will require existing buildings, when applying for renovation permits or at time of sale, to undergo an energy audit and complete all energy improvements to meet these new standards.
  • Will advocate for expanding Seattle’s authority to include residential codes as well, which accounts for 20% of emissions in Seattle.
  • Must ensure that all new buildings in Seattle are built 100% clean from day one, by relying on our affordable, abundant and carbon neutral electricity for space and water heating.
  • Must accelerate Seattle’s heating oil plan to reach zero by 2025, by increasing the heating oil distributor charge annually and increasing incentives.
  • In partnership with King County, will roll out PACE funding for commercial buildings. PACE programs allow building owners to take on low-risk and low-interest loans through partnerships between local governments and lenders.