- Organize a group of industry and neighborhood leaders with city staff to prioritize the creation of a diversity of rental and for sale housing options. This will include reviewing opportunities to create a staggered Residential Zoning where density limits are responsive to site conditions, land values and desired outcomes.
- Focus the resources from the Federal Housing Urban Development Agency to build, acquire, and sustain housing for the homeless. Federal fund utilization will free up Seattle Housing Levy dollars so those dollars can be used to build affordable housing for those living well below the poverty level.
- Build a partnership between the Office of Housing and Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection to support those in jeopardy of losing their housing due to COVID-19 or an unforeseen circumstance. The City can use Housing Levy dollars to fund this program.
- Implement policy change to allow for more affordable home ownership and equitable access to amenities, such as schools, open space and public safety in the city’s Single-family zones.
- Create more flexibility within the Single-family zones, such as reducing the minimum lot size at block ends, establishing more opportunities for Land Trust models, and creating partnerships between landowners and levy funds to enable property owners to build wealth and limit displacement.
- Assess city review processes on regular intervals and determine solutions to improve permitting timelines to produce more housing.
- Identify opportunities within the design review process to create a more predictable and consistent process across neighborhoods and projects.
- Incentivize sustainable practices across the construction industry through policy adoption and public/private partnerships in order to reduce the carbon footprint of renovations and new construction in our city.
- Enforce Seattle’s new building codes that ensure buildings transition from oil heating fuels and expand opportunities for solar power on our buildings.